Theatre // Theatr

Pijin/Pigeon - Theatr Iolo & Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Feral Monster - National Theatre Wales

Nyrsys - Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Nyrsys - Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Brên.Calon.Fi - Theatr Cymru


Other credits include

Plays / Dramau

Shorts / Dramau byr


"...yn rhoi llais i bobol â phrofiadau nad ydyn ni'n aml yn eu gweld ar lwyfannau Cymru.” Cris Dafis, Golwg 

"The play's real strength is the deftness of Marlow's colourful and lively script which makes Sgint worth every penny.” Meleri Thomas, Wales Home