Theatre // Theatr
Other credits include
Plays / Dramau
Mold Riots, Theatr Clwyd
Sgint, Sherman and Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
Cysgu’n Brysur, Arad Goch and Wales Millenium Centre
From Land to Mouth, Pentabus Theatre
Hidden, Mess Up The Mess Theatre Co
Such Tweet Sorrow, Royal Shakespeare Company (co-writer)
The Beach, National Theatre Wales
Patroiophobia, Sherman Cymru
Shorts / Dramau byr
A Place Called Home, Birmingham REP
Traverse 50, Traverse Theatre
And What?, Octagon Bolton
6.18pm, Paines Plough (Come to Where I'm From)
"...yn rhoi llais i bobol â phrofiadau nad ydyn ni'n aml yn eu gweld ar lwyfannau Cymru.” Cris Dafis, Golwg
"The play's real strength is the deftness of Marlow's colourful and lively script which makes Sgint worth every penny.” Meleri Thomas, Wales Home