Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
A hithau’n flwyddyn pan fo’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol yn 70 oed, cawn gipolwg ar brysurdeb dyddiol ward canser mewn ysbyty yng Nghymru heddiw, gyda sgript a chaneuon wedi’u llunio o gyfweliadau â nyrsys go iawn. Mae’r ddrama newydd hon yn rhoi llwyfan i brofiadau nyrsys — yr heriau maen nhw’n eu hwynebu yn eu gwaith o ddydd i ddydd, a’r direidi, y chwaergarwch, a’r teimlad o alwedigaeth sy’n eu cynnal. Dyma ddarlun o’r galon o fywyd a gwaith yr arwyr hyn sy’n gofalu amdanom ni ac am ein hanwyliaid mewn cyfundrefn iechyd sydd dan bwysau parhaus.
We take a look behind the scenes of a busy cancer ward in a hospital in Wales today, with a script and songs created from interviews with real nurses. This new play shines a light on nurses’ experiences — the challenges they face in their day-today work and the mischief, sisterhood and sense of vocation that sustains them. A heartfelt depiction of the life and work of these real-life heroes who care for us and our loved ones within a healthcare system that’s under perpetual strain.
”Marlow could easily have written a play that went out of its way to pull on heart-strings but, smartly, she goes the other way”.
Jafar Iqbal, Wales Arts Review
Read full review here
Lluniau gan / photos by Kristina Banholzer